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Berichte über den Jemen - Reports about Yemen |
Reviving People's Lives and Resilience in War |
"After my husband was killed in the war I had no source of income and I could not find where I could earn to feed my kids and myself. Now that I have received chickens, this would provide us with eggs and also to make money by selling some of other eggs". -
For Maryam and her two children, this is only the start of new life journey.As Yemen's war rages on with destructive effects on the economy, jobs and public services, people are desperately trying to survive. This is all the more painful and difficult for people like Maryam and her children who have lost their husband and father whom they relied on for moral and economic support. Maryam is bravely standing up to the challenge of starting her own income generating activity to care for her family. |
The partnership agreement between UNDP and the King Salman Centre for Humanitarian Aid and Relief for Flash Appeal projects is assisting people in need who are determined to stand on their own feet to provide for themselves, their family and their community.Beneficiaries receive assets and tools to start economic activities like livestock, farming, bakery and cash for work.
18 year old Jalal is among a group of youth who started earning income from cleaning their community in Sana'a.The acute shortage of fuel caused by the war has stopped the city's waste collection services. In Jalal's own words, "The assistance from the King Salman Center for Humanitarian Aid and Relief and UNDP has given me an opportunity to earn income for almost two months. My work will also help keep my neighborhood clean. With the income I earn, I will support my family and hope to go back to school. I hope other communities and young people will have this kind of project."
With over 20 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, this is a small start to help people in Yemen to rebuild their lives and resilience amidst the war.UNDP will continue working with partners such as the King Salman Centre for Humanitarian Aid and Relief to scale up these activities that reduce the suffering of the people while strengthening their resilience to build back their lives and communities.
Source: UNDP Yemen, Oct 28, 2015 |
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