Klima im Wandel - Climate Change
Klimakonferenz COP11: Montreal (Kanada) 2005
Klimakonferenz COP11: Montreal (Kanada) 2005
Naturwissenschaften Geografie-Erdkunde Klima
vorangehende Seiteend
Klimakonferenz-COP11 Montreal 2005
Externe Links
Global Warming: Climate Portal
Montreal 2005: United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 11 and COP/MOP 1) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change The Climate Change Projects Office (CCPO)
is jointly funded by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
United Kingdom UK
Global Warming: Climate Portal
International Institute for Sustainable Development IISD Linkages - Climate and Atmosphere - Climate Change ClimateArk -- Climate Change Portal
Arctic Warming - Erwärmung der Arktis: Links
GRID-Arendal News NASA's Global Change Master Directory United Nations Environment Programme World Glacier Monitoring Service
CLIMATE FACTS - Climate Change in Alpine Regions - Klimawandel im Alpenraum
engl. Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA) Climate change engl.
Europäischen Umweltagentur (EUA)'The European environment - State and outlook 2005' engl.
(Die Umwelt Europas: Zustand und Perspektiven 2005)
auch deutsche Seiten vorhanden
Deutsche Welle Tackling Climate Change - The Run-up to Montreal engl.
Deutsche Welle Alle(s) Wetter! Klimawandel
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Main Portal Protal deutsch
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