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Namgyal Khangzang Chhortens
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Namgyal Khangzang Chhortens
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Druk Wangyal Khangzang
The sanctified chhortens at Dochula

26 June 2004

Druk Wangyal Chhortens
The 108 Khangzang Namgyal Chhortens are a new landmark for travellers as they cross Dochula, the first mountain pass into the interior of the country.

"The Buddha himself taught that reverence to the Chhorten, the mind stupa, is as meritorious as prostrating before the Buddha in person," said the Dorji Lopon who performed the tagyen sungchoe.

"The construction of 108 Druk Wangyal Khangzang Chhortens brings multifold merit to all sentient beings."The Druk Wangyal Khangzang Chhortens at Dochula, a tribute and monument to the selfless service and visionary leadership of His Majesty the King, and now a sacred legacy to the nation and the Bhutanese people, was consecrated in an atmosphere of deep spirituality on June 20, 2004.

Offered as a tribute to His Majesty the King, the Druk Wangyal Khangzang Chhortens represent a symbol of appreciation, loyalty, dedication, and love that touches the nation and blesses its people.

View from Dochula His Majesty the King and the royal family, Gyelse Tenzin Rabgye, the clergy, senior government leaders, and people from all sections of Bhutanese society gathered for the ceremony that was performed by His Holiness the Je Khenpo, the Loponzhips, and the monks of the dratshang.

The central monk body performed the mewang getek (removing of obstacles) and the tenked-gi-chendren (sanctification of the monument) ceremonies.

During the ceremony His Holiness the Je Khenpo offered the trashi-dzey-gye (eight auspicious objects) to His Majesty the King. The entire gathering at Dochula joined the trashi ngasoel (celebration of the auspicious ceremony) and circumambulation of the Chhortens

Je Khenpo

His Holiness the Je Khenpo said that the Druk Wangyal Khangzang Chhortens was a celebration of the stability and progress that His Majesty the King had brought to the nation. Just as the Zhabdrung unified Bhutan after defeating all its foes in the 17th century, the kingdom was going through another reminiscent chapter of Bhutanese history. It embodied a new era of peace and prosperity.

"The Druk Wangyal honours His Majesty the King," His Holiness said. "And, as long as our rivers flow down our mountains, this aura will protect our country and all sentient beings from the world of suffering.

By Kinley Dorji with Rinzin Wangchuk, KUENSEL, Bhutan's National Newspaper
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