Tsachu - Hot springs |
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the well o f a Tsachu
In the well of a tsachu
lot of people from all parts of Bhutan are travelling all the way to the Gelephu
Tsachu (hot springs) to soak away joint pains, stomach aches and skin
diseases. But on reaching the Tsachu, 15 kilometres from Gelephu,
they were disgusted; the spring water in the four bathwells looked like
stagnant soapy water with body dirt floating on the top. |
of curing ailments it looked like we might get more," said the couple as
they rushed back to Gelephu. Khandu, another visitor from Thimphu, said
that he took a quick dip in the Tsachu by closing his nose after he was
forced by his colleagues. "The Tsachu needs to be improved, it needs proper
drainage so that the water in the wells can circulate more easily."
Gelephu dungkhag administration plans the first major renovation since
the hot springs were opened to public in 1962. |
the four wells will be replaced with proper ponds and an improved drainage
system. The bathwells will be like the Gasa Tsachu. The surrounding
area will also be improved with proper retaining walls as the Tsachu is
located in the foothills and faces the risk of falling boulders during
the monsoon.
The Tsachu
gets crowded from December to February every year. People from Bumthang,
Trongsa, Zhemgang and also from eastern and western dzongkhags come to
soak in the Tsachu. Most of them are rural folk who bring a stock of rations
and bedding and stay for about a week. The early birds stay in the three
dilapidated guest houses which can house about 40 people. People
say that the hot spring relieve their backache and joint pains.
Tsachu renovated
One for all: people soak in one of the wells of the Gelephu hot springs
The Gelephu
Tsachu (hot spring) has been given a face lift in the first major renovation
after it was opened to public in 1962.
the five tub wells have been roofed with CGI sheets, the tubs in the wells
replaced and the surrounding drainage system improved. Renovated at the
cost of Nu. 500,000 by the Gelephu dungkhag administration, the
hot springs look better, clean and can accommodate more people than before. |
to the Gelephu dungpa, Chogyal Dago, the tubs of the hot springs were roofed
and the surrounding area was also improved with proper retaining walls
for the safety of the people as the Tsachu was located in the steep foothills
and faces the risk of falling boulders during monsoon. However, one of
the tub wells is no more used after the natural outflow of hot water from
underneath was lost while renovating its canal. People now use it as a
place to change and dump garbage.
being the soaking season, the Tsachu is crowded every day with people
from Trashiyangtse, Trashigang, Lhuentse, Bumthang, Trongsa, Zhemgang,
Thimphu. Most visitors are rural folks who bring stock of ration and
bedding and stay for about a week or so.The early arrivals stay in the three
guest houses which can house about 40 people and the rest stay outdoors
in tents around the Tsachu area. All the guest houses were also renovated
as well as the road leading towards Tsachu from the Gelephu-Zhemgang highway.
The Tsachu
is a 15-kilometre drive from Gelephu town and is usually crowded from
December to February.
by Rinzin Wangchuk, Kuensel , Bhutan's National Newspaper 2005 |
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