Nepal information
Nepal's people
Nepal Peoples and Languages
Languages in Nepal A - J
Languages in Nepal K - N
Languages in Nepal O - Y
Nepal's Languages
National or official languages: Nepali, Gurung: 22,847,000 (1998 UN)
2,423,840 speakers of Tibeto-Burman languages
also includes Kharia
Urdu 202,208
Literacy rate Literacy rate 20% to 29%.
Religions: Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian
Blind population 100,000
Deaf population 1,275,776
Deaf institutions 3
The number of languages listed for Nepal 121
Of those, 120 are living languages and 1 is extinct
Nepal Religon
Social Life Dalits, Minorities, Women ...
Nepal Maps
Nepal People Nepal's Ethnic Groups Diagram
Nepal Ethnic Groups & Nationalities
Nepal district map
Nepal map
Nepal Religon
Social Life Dalits, Minorities, Women ...
Nepal People